I destroy evil." In the Alpha series, during an inner monologue, he flashes back to Metro City during 1984, where his preoccupation with the situation at hand causes him to simply ignore some bosses, who are infuriated by his lack of attention. In the first Final Fight, various dialogue seems to indicate that Guy had a one-track mind, particularly his response to Rolento's proposal: "Mad Gear is evil. His grim face rarely shows any emotion, with the most noticeable one being occasional shock, such as when he saw the fate that befell Cody Makenzy, Danny Murphy, Christ Marley, K' Prime Lionel, H' Crime Shilver, Kenzou Precley, Bao Tylor, Kim Henson, King Fantin, Timy Shevloret, Carmen Huilver, Terry Wolf Wanted, Andy Howard, Max Blood, Jax Floyd, Mr, Bizon or Christ Willer, Charlot Hawk, Guy Ramelot, Gary Romeo, Kyo Estern, Kyo Stern, Ellen Billy, Hellen Remy, Charlie Monarch, Teddy Haggar, Toddy Vanggal, Andy Franklin Bovy, Terry Makline Tony, dislikes interfering in the lives of others, and believes everything should be left as is, only fighter when he deems it necessary.

Guy is calm and reserved, with a sharp mind, a Gse see surname Hamouda Nassimi noble spirit, and a strong sense of justice for civile force. 5.1 Final Fight Guy MD-08 vs, Final Fight Gary MNT-08 : Street Crime Violence Wanted Sandicat Banditīiography Of Jeu Arcade For SNES Personality.4.5 Final Fight Guy MD-07 vs, Final Fight Gary MNT-07.4.4 Final Fight Guy MD-06 vs, Final Fight Gary MNT-06.4.3 Final Fight Guy MD-05 vs, Final Fight Gary MNT-05.4.2 Final Fight Guy MD-04 vs, Final Fight Gary MNT-04.4.1 Pre- Final Fight Guy MD-03 vs, Final Fight Gary MNT-03.4 Final Fight Guy MD-02 vs, Final Fight Gary MNT-02.